Education Industry- VoIP and wireless case study
About the company
The second largest school district in the nation, this school district enrolls more than 640,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, at over 900 schools and 187 public charter schools. The boundaries spread over 720 square miles as well as all or parts of 31 smaller municipalities - including several unincorporated sections of Southern California.
LAN Modernization
After 8 years of the same systems, the large public school district decided it was time for a change to match up with today’s technologies and to accommodate the ever-growing number of students. The school district put out a request for bids in order to find a provider for this upgrade. After evaluating a number of options, PM2NET’s professional services was selected.
Assessment and solution
The PM2NET engineers set out to visit 11 school sites. At each site, they migrated the existing network, implemented VoIP and a public announcement system. The PM2NET engineers were also tasked with implementing wireless in some sites and improving the wireless in others. To do so, the engineers installed Cisco APs and wireless controllers to manage the APs at each site. A difficulty while completing the project was complying to each schools’ hours of operation. While conflicting at times, the technical team was able to come in after hours to get the job done within the allotted time stated in the Statement of Work.
PM2NET’s services transformed the way the school district operated. With the newly implemented VoIP, management was centralized and can be controlled from their headquarters. The installation of Cisco APs effectively improved each site’s wireless with increased network speed. Their upgraded systems also cut out the need for managed services by utilizing their in-house engineers. Overall, PM2NET was able to help the district save time, effort, and money with their network, voice, and emergency systems upgrade.