Health Care Industry- PC DEPLOYMENT Case Study
About the company
The healthcare facility, founded in 1969 near the border, has now spread throughout San Diego County. With more than 2,300 committed employees serving communities every day with crucial health services that are culturally competent, the firm is happy to help the County of San Diego. Irrespective of insurance coverage or financial means, the organization provides treatment for everyone in need. This non-profit organization is dedicated to providing friendly, top-notch, compassionate, conveniently accessible, and reasonably priced healthcare services. The goal of the company is to increase accessibility while also enhancing the health and wellbeing of the people while delivering cutting-edge care to more than 108,000 patients through a vast and integrated network of program sites, which includes: medical clinics, dental clinics, behavioral health centers, HIV centers, WIC nutrition centers, mobile medical units, school-based health centers, chiropractic care, pediatric developmental clinics, teen clinics, Senior Health Center, and Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Centers.
The major problem faced by the company was that they lacked sufficient expertise for uninstalling the existing PCs and peripherals from the old vicinity and installing 400 PCs/Docking Stations, Peripherals at several clinical locations. Another big challenge was that each site had different time windows for deployment as per the optimal availability of the clinics. Therefore, the customer required onsite resources to assist with PC deployment for this case since they did not have an experienced staff both from a project management and technical standpoint. With a need of a minimal down time due to the availability requirements, treating patients, and the day-to-day operations of the working staff, the customer realized that they would need help from PM2NET to help with the PC deployment of 400 PCs.
Assessment and solution
Field services PM2NET created a scope of work, a project plan, and an implementation plan. Afterward, PM2NET provided a team of experienced FS engineers who worked on multiple PCs/day based on the available time windows per clinic. Deployment tasks are given below:
Computer staging
Uninstalling the existing PCs, monitors,wireless keyboard/mouse ,and network cables
Software installation
Installation of 400 PCs/Docking Stations and other Peripherals
Cable management as required
The organization needed an efficient PC deployment for their staff members and administrative personals. This was not only to improve day-to-day tasks of administrators and promote clinician workflow, but to ultimately improve patient healthcare. By putting their trust in PM2NET, and their experienced field service resources, the health center facility received a complete end-to-end solution, including the support required to do the PC deployment within a sensitive hospital environment. Although it was a very complex task, it was completed on time, based on the scope and met minimal downtime requirements. While employees benefitted from PM2NET’s efforts, employing PM2NET allowed for a reliable and cost effective deployment, leaving the customer highly satisfied.